On tenderee’s authority, China Power Complete Equipment Co.,Ltd. is in charge of the China United Gas Turbine Technology Co., Ltd. International Competitive Bidding of General Contracting for Compressor Test Bench Equipment.
Project overview: The Test base is located in Shanghai Luojin Gas Turbine Power Plant in Yuepu Town, Baoshan District, Shanghai. The Project is intended to build a new (set of) compressor test bench in the Test base. The Test bench is used for the validation of key design technologies of compressor , the engineerin validation of the compressor key multistage and component performance
项目整体进度:本项目需要在合同签订后 24 个月内完成调
Project schedule: The project shall complete the commissioning/acceptance within 24 months after signing of the contract, and meet the test conditions.
Scope of Bidding 1.招标标段情况一览表
Summary of the Bidding Lot
招标文件价格 |
序号 SN |
Lot Name |
招标内容 Scope of Bidding |
(元) Price of Bidding documents(RMB) |
招标范围:压气机试验台设计、设备供 |
货、安装、调试等。 |
Scope of bid: process design, equipment |
中国联合重 |
supply, installation and commissioning of |
型燃气轮机 |
compressor test bench. |
技术有限公 |
备注 Remark: |
司压气机试 |
1、本次招标分为两阶段,具体招标步 |
验台设备总 |
骤如下: |
承包国际招 |
A two-stage bidding procedure is adopted. |
标 |
The specific steps are as follows: |
1 |
China United Gas Turbine Technology Co., Ltd. |
a) 第一阶段,投标人提交不含价格的技术、商务投标文件及投标保证金。招标 人公开开启第一阶段投标文件。 |
¥30000.00 或$4300.00 |
International |
In the first stage, bidders submit technical |
Competitive |
and commercial documents and the bid |
Bidding of |
security without the bid price. |
General |
b) 第二阶段,招标人根据投标人经澄 |
Contracting for |
清后的第一阶段技术建议书,提出细化 |
Compressor |
后的技术要求。通过资格后审的投标人 |
Test bench |
在规定的时间提交第二阶段的投标文件 |
Equipment |
及密封报价。招标人公开开启第二阶段 |
投标文件及报价。 |
In the second stage, the Tenderee proposes |
detailed technical requirements based on the clarified technical proposals submitted by bidders in the first bidding stage. A Bidder without prequalification shall submit its Bid and sealed quotation for the second stage at the specified time. The Tenderee will then disclose bidding documents and quotations for the second stage. *招标人有权无偿使用投标人在第一阶段的技术建议书,用于第二阶段细化技术要求。 * The Tenderee has the right to use, withouth charge, the bidder’s technical proposals submitted in the first stage for the detailed technical requirements in the second stage. 2、厂房土建及配套工程设计和施工不在本次招标范围内。 The design and construction of workshop’s civil works and auxiliary works are not included in the scope of this bidding. |
The Qualification for bidder
1. 基本资格要求
The Basic Qualification
序号 SN |
标段名称 Lot Name |
基本资格 Basic Qualification |
1 |
中国联合重型燃气轮机技术有限公司压气机试验台设备总承包国际招标 China United Gas Turbine Technology Co., Ltd. International Competitive Bidding of General Contracting for Compressor Test bench Equipment |
1. 投标人须为中华人民共和国或是与中华人民共和国有正常贸易往来的国家或地区注册的独立企业法人(并且未被列入国际制裁名单)。 The bidder shall be an independent corporate legal person registered in the People's Republic of China or a country or territory with which the People's Republic of China has normal trade (and is not included in the international sanctions list). 2. 单位负责人(法定代表人)为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位不得在同一标段投标。 Where potential bidders have the same person in charge (legal representative) or where bidders are related by shareholding or management, they cannot bid in the same bidding section; 3. 应具有履行与招标相同或相近服务项目的能力和相应资质要求;具有完成服务项目需具备的专业技术、设备设施、人 员组织、管理能力、业绩经验等。 |
The bidder shall have the capability and qualification to fulfill the same or similar service items as listed in the bidding and it shall have the professional technology, equipment and facilities, personnel, management ability and experience required to complete the service project. 4. 投标人在近 3 年内不存在骗取中标、严重违约等因自身的原因而使任何合同被解除的情形。在公司无处置期内的供应商严重不良行为记录。 5. 投标人经营状况良好,具有良好的银行资信,没有处于被责令停业、财产被接 管、冻结、破产状态;投标资格未被暂 |
停或取消。 The bidder shall be in good operational condition, have good bank credit, and shall not be in the state of bankruptcy or having been ordered to suspend business; its assets shall not have been taken over or frozen; and its bidding qualifications shall not have been suspended or cancelled 6. 投标人应具有完善的 HSE 管理体系,有3 年及以上良好的安全业绩;在近 3 年内未在中华人民共和国境内发生过重大安全事故或两次及以上较大安全事故,且在近 1 年内未发生过较大安全事故或人身死亡事故。 The bidder shall have a complete HSE management system and over three years of good safety performance. Nor shall it have had any major safety accidents or two or more relatively serious safety accidents in the past three years; or shall not have had any relatively serious safety accident or fatal accident in the previous year in the People’s Republic of China. 7. 具有完善的质量管理体系,必须持有中国国家或国际认可的资质机构颁发的 ISO9001 质量管理体系认证或等同的质 |
2. 专项资格要求
The Special Qualification
序号 SN |
标段名称 Lot Name |
专项资格 Special Qualification |
1 |
中国联合重型燃气轮机技术有限公司压气机试验台设备总承包国际招标 China United Gas Turbine Technology Co., Ltd. International Competitive Bidding of General Contracting for Compressor Test bench Equipment |
1. 投标人至少成功承建或改造完成一台/套10MW 及以上功率等级的航空发动机或燃气轮机压气机试验设施或类似试验设施,在其中至少承担核心工艺设计,并提供相关证明。 The bidder shall have completed the construction or renovation of at least one test facility for compressors of 10MW and above or the similar test facilities, where the Bidder shall at least have undertaken core process design . The Bidder shall provide |
relevant proof. 2. 投标人承担压气机试验台或其他航空发动机或燃气轮机试验台或类似试验台合同金额累计在 1 亿美元以上或单项合同金额大于 2000 万美元,并提供合同业绩证明。 The bidder shall have achieved an accumulated contract turnover of over USD one hundred million (US$100,000,000) or a single contract turnover of over USD twenty million (US$20,000,000) for completing the construction of test facilities for compressors, other aircraft engines, gas turbines or the samiliar and shall provide relevant proof of contract performance. |
Potential bidders who have not obtained the bidding documents through the means designated by the Bid Agency may not participate in this bidding.
only bidders who have purchased bidding documents in the first bidding stage are eligible for participating in the second
idding stage.
The following documents will be available after the bidder submitting the "confidentiality commitment" to the Tenderee.
(1) 《压气机试验任务书》
《Compressor test specification》
(2) 《压气机试验台设备工艺方案》
《Equipment process plan of compressor test bench》
(3) 《压气机试验台厂房平面布置图》
《Layout of compressor test bench’s workshop》
(4) 《上海重型燃气轮机试验验证基地部件试验区总平面图》
《General layout of component test area of Shanghai gas turbine test and verification base》
Bidding documents Acquisition
The time of Bidding documents Acquisition
2019 年 8 月 15 日至 2019 年 8 月 28 日(法定节假日除外),上午 9:00~11:30,下午 13:30~17:00。