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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2018-03-06  来源:中国电力招标采购网  作者:dlztb  浏览次数:0
核心提示:招标公告 Invitationfor Bids (IFB) 陕西瑞恒项目管理受陕西有色天宏瑞科硅材料有限责任公司的委托,对下述项目进行国内公开招标


Invitation for Bids (IFB)


Shaanxi Ruiheng Proje Management Co., Ltd. has accepted the entrustment of Shaanxi Non-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co., Ltd. to perform domestic open bidding for the following equipment and materials. The fund is already in place and now the potential bidders will be invited to participate in the bidding aivity.


   Proje name: Disc Valves Procurement Proje of Shaanxi Non-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co., Ltd.

2.性质及招标编号:公开招标,资格后审;招标编号: 陕瑞招字[20180107]

 Nature of tender and bidding number: open bidding with post qualification; bidding No.: SRZZ [20180107]

3.项目概况及招标内容: 陕西有色天宏瑞科硅材料有限责任公司为中外合资企业,计划在陕西省榆林市佳县榆佳工业园建立和运营一个基于硅烷法的多晶硅工厂作为陕西有色天宏瑞科硅材料有限责任公司电子及光伏新材料产业化项目的其中一部分。该项目已由陕发改产业【2014】542号文批准建设。本次招标内容:盘阀1批(具体数量见下表)。技术参数等详见招标文件

Proje overview and bidding content: Shaanxi Non-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co., Ltd.  is a sino-foreign joint venture, planning to build and operate a polysilicon plant based on silane method inYujiaIndustrial Park,JiaxianCounty,Yulin City,ShaanxiProvince as a part of eleronic and photovoltaic new material industrialization proje of Shaanxi Non-ferrous Tianhong Ruike Silicon Material Co., Ltd. The proje has been approved to build by the document SFGCY [2014] No. 542. The bidding content is: One batch of disc valve (For specific quantities as see the following table). For technical parameters see the Bidding documents.




Disc Valve

4" 150LB





Disc Valve

3" 150LB





Disc Valve

2 1/2" 150LB





Disc Valve

6" 300LB





4. 投标人满足以下资格要求:

4. The Bidder shall meet the following eligibility requirements:


The bidder has established enterprises that must be registered in China, hA/Ve independent legal personality and independent capacity for civil liability;


If the Bidder's legal representative takes charge of two or more companies, parent company and  wholly-owned subsidiaries or holding company, or companies with asset correlation in any forms, he shall not submit bidding applications in the same bidding proje as bidding applicants at the same time;

4.3 投标人如为代理商,需提供产品来源说明或制造商的授权书 [如果提供总代理或分销商的授权,应同时提供制造商对总代理或分销商的授权文件(加盖投标人公章的复印件)];

If the bidder also as as an agent, shall provide the produ source description or the manufaurer's authorization (If general agent or dealer authorization is provided, the manufaurer authorization letter to general agent or dealer shall also be provided. Note: together with copy file with bidder stamp);


Joint bid will not be acceptable for this proje.

5. 招标文件的获取:
     Acquisition of Bidding document


Time for obtaining the Bidding documents: 9:00-17:00 everyday from Mar. 6, 2018 to Mar. 12, 2018 (Beijing Time, except holidays)

     Price of Bidding documents: RMB 1,000.00 Yuan, once sold will not be returned.

6. 开标时间和地点:2018年3月27日09:30(北京时间);西安市曲江新区雁翔路3269号旺座曲江D座30层3001号陕西瑞恒项目管理会议室

Time and place of bid opening:09:30, Mar.27, 2018. (Beijing Time); Meeting room of Shaanxi Ruiheng Proje Management Co., Ltd. laoed in 3001 Room, 30F, Block D, Wangzuo Qujiang, No.3269, Yanxiang Road, Qujiang New Distri, Xi’an City

7. 获取招标文件时需携带:企业法人授权委托书和被授权人有效身份证件、招标公告第4条中所涉及的资格证明资料复印件加盖公章,且经投标人法定代表人或其正式授权的委托代理人签字;购买招标文件时需提供与招标人签订的保密协议复印件及投标人廉洁自律承诺书复印件。

Materials for obtaining Bidding documents: Letter of attorney authorized by enterprise legal person, valid identity document of authorized person, the copy of qualification certificate with company seal and signature of the bidder’s legal representative or his/her duly authorized representatives mentioned in Article 4 of the Invitation for Bids. When buying the Bidding documents, the Bidder should provide copy of the Confidentiality Agreement signed by the tenderee and the Bidder and Bidder’s Letter of Commitment to be Incorruptible and Self-disciplined.

8. 招标代理机构对潜在投标人提供的证明资料只做初步审查。资格最终审查将在评标时由评标委员会进行。

The bidding agency only performs an initial examination on the proofs provided by the potential bidder. The final qualification examination will be performed by the Bid evaluation Board in bid evaluation.

9. 发布公告的媒体:。

Media of releasing the announcement: The Bidding Announcement will be released in http://www.sxgxt.gov.cn/, http://www.sxgxt.gov.cn/.

10. 投标人必须于招标文件载明的发售截止时间前在陕西省工业和信息化厅


The bidder must be in the tender documents before the deadline for sale, in the Shaanxi Provincial Industry and Information Center successfully registered (website http://www.sngxtzb.gov.cn/log-plat.jsp), otherwise the consequences arising from its to bear on their own.

联系人:李 杨(经理)
电 话:010-51957458
手 机:1368323328 5
传 真:010-51957412
邮 箱:1211306049@qq.com

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