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   2020-12-30 0

Basic information of the project

项目简介:越南平顺 90MW 风力发电厂项目位于平顺省绥丰县。项目总装机容量为 89.1MW,装机 27 台,单机容量为 3300kW。工程分 3*30MW 分阶段建设。

Project overview: The 90MW Binh Thuan Vietnan Wind Power Plant is located at Tuy Phong, Tinh Binh Thuan. The installed gross capacity for this wind farm is 89.1MW with 27 wind turbines of individual turbine capacity at 3300KW.

Engineering work will be phased into three 30MW stages

项目计划进度暂定:第一阶段 30MW 预计 2021 年 2 月底开工,第二、三阶段 2×30MW 视项目批复情况择时开工;第一阶段 30MW 预计 2021 年10 月并网发电正式运营,第二阶段预计 2022 年 6 月全容量并网。

Project schedule(temporarily): Stage one of 30MW of work is set for operation at the end of February, 2021 while stages 2 & 3 of 30MW each shall start subject to project approval; 30MW of stage one is designed for grid-connection and formal operation in October 2021 and stage two is expected to connect to the grid at full capacity in June 2022.


Scope of Bidding 1.招标标段情况一览表 

Summary of the Bidding Lot 





Lot Name


Scope of Bidding


Price of Bidding documents(RMB)



越南平顺90MW 风电项目业主工程师


Engineer Service for Binh Thuan 90MW Wind Power Project

在项目建设管理中代表业主承担工程建 设项目管理职能,按照业主对工程项目建设的总体要求,代表业主在工程建设中承担前期策划、进度计划管理、安全文明管理、质量管理、组织协调、成本控制等职能,确保实现工程建设全过程对安全、质量、进度、投资等各方面处于在控、可控、受控状态,确保工程建设安全、高效、高质量顺利完成并无缝衔接到商业运行。

The owner's engineers shall undertake

management functions over project engineering on behalf of the owner and, following the owner’s overall requirements for project engineering, represent the owner and assume functions including

pre-planning, schedule management, safety and civility supervision, quality control, organization and coordination, and cost control, etc. The owner's engineers shall ensure that during the entire process of project engineering, all aspects such as

safety, quality, schedule, and investment areunder control,controllable and controlled so as to guarantee that project engineering is accomplished in a safe, highly efficient, and high quality manner and connects tocommercial operation seamlessly.

¥4000.00 或$600.00


The Qualification for bidder 1.基本资格要求

The Basic Qualification 


标段名称Lot Name

基本资格Basic Qualification


越南平顺 90MW 风电项目业主工程师Owner’s Engineer

Service for Binh Thuan

90MW Wind Power Project

1 The bidder shall be an independent corporate legal person registered in the People’s Republic of China, or the country where the project is located, or a country or region that has normal trade relations with the People’s Republic of China and the country where the project is located, and has not been included in the sanctions list by the People’s Republic of China or the country where the project is located.

1 投标人须为中华人民共和国、项目所在国或是与中华人民共和国及项目所在国有正常贸易往来的国家或地区注册的独立企业法人,并且未被中华人民共和国、项目所在国列入制裁名单。

2 Where potential bidders have the same person incharge (legal representative) or where bidders arerelated by shareholding or management, they cannot bid in the same bidding section. And bidders who shall not have a conflict of interest cannot bid in the same bidding section;

2 单位负责人(法定代表人)为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位不得在同一标段投标,以及存在利益关系的投标人不得在同一标段投标;

3 The bidder shall have the capability and

qualification to fulfill the same or similar service items as listed in the bidding and it shall have the professional technology, equipment and facilities, personnel, management ability and experience required to complete the service project.

3 应具有履行与招标相同或相近服务项目的能 力和相应资质要求;具有完成服务项目需具备的专业技术、设备设施、人员组织、管理能力、业绩经验等。




4 投标人在近 3 年内不存在骗取中标、严重违约等因自身的原因而使任何合同被解除的情形。在无处置期内的供应商严重不良行为记录。

5 The bidder shall be in good operational

condition, have good bank credit, and shall not be in the state of bankruptcy or having been ordered to suspend business; its assets shall not have been taken over or frozen; and its bidding qualifications shall not have been suspended or cancelled.

5 投标人经营状况良好,具有良好的银行资信, 没有处于被责令停业、财产被接管、冻结、破产状态;投标资格未被暂停或取消。

6 投标人应具有完善的HSE 管理体系,有 3 年及以上良好的安全业绩;投标人不在公司关于承包商安全管理的黑名单内;在近 18 个月内未在越南及中华人民共和国境内发生过较大及以上生产安全责任事,且近12 个月内在系统未发生人身死亡事故。

7 The bidder shall have a complete quality

management system; must hold ISO9001 quality management system certification or equivalents and the annual inspection records issued by a Chinese or internationally recognized qualification accreditation agency; and shall have good

pre-sales and after-sales service.

7 具有完善的质量管理体系,必须持有中国国家或国际认可的资质机构颁发的ISO9001 质量管理体系认证或等同的质量管理体系认证证书及年检记录,具有良好的售前、售后服务。

8 Non-performance of a contract did not occur as

a result of contractor default ;All pending litigation will be resolved against the Bidder.

8 近三年来未发生由于投标人违约引起的未履约事件;针对投标人的所有未决诉讼都将得到解决。


The Special Qualification 


标段名称Lot Name

专项资格Special Qualification


越南平顺 90MW 风电项目业主工程师Owner’s Engineer

Service for Binh Thuan

90MW Wind Power Project

1 The bidder should have more than 5 years of relevant consulting services or engineering construction experience in the wind power industry

1 投标人应具有 5 年以上风电行业相关咨询服务或工程建设经验;

2 The cumulative installed capacity of wind power

projects in which bidders participate in consulting services or engineering construction shall not be less than 500MW.

2 投标人参与咨询服务或工程建设的风电项目累计装机容量不少于 500MW。

3 Project Manager (i) shall have a minimum of

Bachelor degree or higher, and major in electric power.(ii)shall have a minimum of Engineer qualification or higher.(iii) shall have working experience of not less than 10 years in wind farm, and be with project management experience for at least 2 similar capacity wind farm.

3  项目经理应满足如下条件:(1)具有大学本科及以上的电厂相关专业学历;(2)具有国际认可的工程师及以上从业资格;(2)至少担任过 2 个同规模及以上的国外风电场工程项目的



Potential bidders who have not obtained the bidding documents through the means designated by the Bid Agency may not participate in this bidding.


Bidding documents Acquisition


The time of Bidding documents Acquisition

2020 年 12 月 31 日至 2021 年 1 月 8 日(法定节假日除外),上午 9:00~11:30,下午 13:30~17:00。

联系人:王 清
手机:18810099894  18010029459
微信号:清秋 18810099894

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