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碳纤维复合材料试验公共服务平台项目 纤维/线缆铺缝设备国际招标公告(2)

   日期:2019-01-15     来源:中国电力招标采购网    作者:dlztb    浏览:0    
核心提示:江苏苏咨工程咨询 对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2019-01-14在中国电力招标采购网公告。本次招标采用传统招标方式
江苏苏咨工程咨询 对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2019-01-14在中国电力招标采购网公告。本次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
项目已具备招标条件的说明:本招标项目碳纤维复合材料试验公共服务平台项目 (项目名称)已由 连云港经济技术开发区管理委员会 (项目审批、核准或备案机关名称)以连开复字【2015】240号(批文名称及编号)批准建设,
招标项目名称:碳纤维复合材料试验公共服务平台项目 纤维/线缆铺缝设备
序号 产品名称 数量 简要技术规格备注
1 3600mm剑杆织机 1 10.设备技术数据: Equipment technical data: 10.1设备功能、用途 Equipment function and use: 适用原材料:预氧丝、聚酰亚胺、芳纶长丝,长丝在10dtex-3360dtex; 适应各种工业用布织造。 Applicable raw materials: pre-oxidized silk, polyimide, aramid filament, filament in 10dtex-3360dtex; Adapt to a variety of industrial fabric weA/Ving. 10.2技术要求 Technical requirements *10.2.1 织造品种:芳纶、预氧丝、聚酰亚胺等长丝织物 WeA/Ving varieties: filament fabrics such as aramid, pre-oxidized silk, polyimide, etc. *10.2.2 幅宽:3400mm Width: 3400mm 10.2.3 互动式彩色触摸屏 Interactive colourful touch screen. 10.2.4 织轴直径为1000mm The diameter of the weA/Ving shaft is 1000mm (with warp beam for aramid super reinforced warp beam) *10.2.5 配储纬器切换功能 With weft feeder switching function (one weft feeder can be replaced by another) 10.2.6 机电式独立选纬装置,带4个微机控制选纬指 Electromechanical independent weft selection device with 4 microcomputer control weft selection *10.2.7 超级马达驱动,并全自动寻纬和慢动 Super motor drive, and fully automatic weft and slow motion. *10.2.8 标配无级变速–可以根据每纬调节车速、纬密、经纱张力 Standard stepless speed change - can adjust the speed, weft density and warp tension according to each latitude. 10.2.9卷取装置 Winding device 电子卷取,最大卷取直径600mm。 Electronic coiling, the maximum coiling diameter is 600mm. * 硫化橡胶卷取辊 Vulcanized rubber take-up roll预留 机外大卷装,方便机外卷装配置 Reserved (not equipped) large off-machine package for easy off-machine package configuration 10.2.10 带光帘手动保护 Manual protection with light curtain 10.2.11纬密范围4-200根/cm Weft density range 4-200 roots/cm 10.2.12开口、引纬装置 Opening and weft insertion device * 配史陶比尔S3020型积极式电子多臂开口; With the St?ubli S3020 active electronic multi-arm opening; * 配8片拉杆,快速接头 ,8片加强型综框并带综丝避震条; With 8 rods, quick joints (can be operated by 1 person), 8 reinforced heald frames with healds; * 4色,配4个IRO XD X3储纬器; 4-color with 4 IRO XD X3 weft feeders; * 带纬纱张力控制装置; Belt weft yarn tension control device; * 剑杆:挠性剑杆,无导钩; Rapier: flexible rapier without guide hooks; *10.2.13 后梁:适合织造芳纶,减少毛丝; Back beam: suitable for weA/Ving aramid and reducing hairline; *10.2.14 配左右侧电子驱动的独立织边装置; Independent weA/Ve device with left and right side electronic drive; *10.2.15 最高转速:≥430rpm; Maximum speed: ≥430rpm; 10.2.16 带钢筘上方照明和织物下方照明; Lighting above the strip and under the fabric; *10.2.17 配备适合芳纶的纬纱剪刀; Equipped with weft yarn scissors suitable for aramid; 10.2.18电源:AC380V±60V,50Hz。 Power supply: AC380V±60V, 50Hz. 10.3机器主要配置 Main configuration of the machine 10.3.1主机一台; One set host; 10.3.2储纬器IRO XD X3 4套,含储纬纱架,控制箱; 4 sets of weft feeder IRO XD X3, including storage weft creel, control box; 10.3.3适合芳纶超级加强型经轴3套; Suitable for 3 sets of aramid super-reinforced warp beam; 10.3.4卷布辊5只; 5 rolls of cloth; 10.3.5 带3万根进口综丝,3万片进口停经片,1片进口钢筘、棕框16片; With 30,000 imported healds, 30,000 imported drop wires, 1 imported steel file and 16 heald frames; 10.3.6剑带左右各5条; 5 strips on the left and right sides of the sword belt; 10.3.7左右剑头5套。 5 sets of sword heads.
2 2500mm剑杆织机 1 10.设备技术数据: Equipment technical data: 10.1设备功能、用途 Equipment function and use: 适用原材料:预氧丝、聚酰亚胺、芳纶长丝,长丝在10dtex-3360dtex; 适应各种工业用布织造。 Applicable raw materials: pre-oxidized silk, polyimide, aramid filament, filament in 10dtex-3360dtex; Adapt to a variety of industrial fabric weA/Ving. 10.2技术要求 Technical requirements *10.2.1 织造品种:芳纶、预氧丝、聚酰亚胺等长丝织物 WeA/Ving varieties: filament fabrics such as aramid, pre-oxidized silk, polyimide, etc. *10.2.2 幅宽:3400mm Width: 3400mm 10.2.3 互动式彩色触摸屏 Interactive colourful touch screen. 10.2.4 织轴直径为1000mm The diameter of the weA/Ving shaft is 1000mm (with warp beam for aramid super reinforced warp beam) *10.2.5 配储纬器切换功能 With weft feeder switching function (one weft feeder can be replaced by another) 10.2.6 机电式独立选纬装置,带4个微机控制选纬指 Electromechanical independent weft selection device with 4 microcomputer control weft selection *10.2.7 超级马达驱动,并全自动寻纬和慢动 Super motor drive, and fully automatic weft and slow motion. *10.2.8 标配无级变速–可以根据每纬调节车速、纬密、经纱张力 Standard stepless speed change - can adjust the speed, weft density and warp tension according to each latitude. 10.2.9卷取装置 Winding device 电子卷取,最大卷取直径600mm。 Electronic coiling, the maximum coiling diameter is 600mm. * 硫化橡胶卷取辊 Vulcanized rubber take-up roll预留 机外大卷装,方便机外卷装配置 Reserved (not equipped) large off-machine package for easy off-machine package configuration 10.2.10 带光帘手动保护 Manual protection with light curtain 10.2.11纬密范围4-200根/cm Weft density range 4-200 roots/cm 10.2.12开口、引纬装置 Opening and weft insertion device * 配史陶比尔S3020型积极式电子多臂开口; With the St?ubli S3020 active electronic multi-arm opening; * 配8片拉杆,快速接头 ,8片加强型综框并带综丝避震条; With 8 rods, quick joints (can be operated by 1 person), 8 reinforced heald frames with healds; * 4色,配4个IRO XD X3储纬器; 4-color with 4 IRO XD X3 weft feeders; * 带纬纱张力控制装置; Belt weft yarn tension control device; * 剑杆:挠性剑杆,无导钩; Rapier: flexible rapier without guide hooks; *10.2.13 后梁:适合织造芳纶,减少毛丝; Back beam: suitable for weA/Ving aramid and reducing hairline; *10.2.14 配左右侧电子驱动的独立织边装置; Independent weA/Ve device with left and right side electronic drive; *10.2.15 最高转速:≥430rpm; Maximum speed: ≥430rpm; 10.2.16 带钢筘上方照明和织物下方照明; Lighting above the strip and under the fabric; *10.2.17 配备适合芳纶的纬纱剪刀; Equipped with weft yarn scissors suitable for aramid; 10.2.18电源:AC380V±60V,50Hz。 Power supply: AC380V±60V, 50Hz. 10.3机器主要配置 Main configuration of the machine 10.3.1主机一台; One set host; 10.3.2储纬器IRO XD X3 4套,含储纬纱架,控制箱; 4 sets of weft feeder IRO XD X3, including storage weft creel, control box; 10.3.3适合芳纶超级加强型经轴3套; Suitable for 3 sets of aramid super-reinforced warp beam; 10.3.4卷布辊5只; 5 rolls of cloth; 10.3.5 带3万根进口综丝,3万片进口停经片,1片进口钢筘、棕框16片; With 30,000 imported healds, 30,000 imported drop wires, 1 imported steel file and 16 heald frames; 10.3.6剑带左右各5条; 5 strips on the left and right sides of the sword belt; 10.3.7左右剑头5套。 5 sets of sword heads.

投标人应具备的资格或业绩:8. 对投标人的资格要求:
★8.1业绩:投标方所选产品应有类似用户案例,在国内外销售5台及以上纤维/线缆铺缝设备,需要提供合同作为证明文件,投标书中要做相应说明。 :2019-02-18 10:00

项目 联系人:李杨  
微信:Li13683233285 邮箱:1211306049@qq.com



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